Saturday, April 28, 2012

Too many Kids??????

"Children are an heritage of the Lord"  see more

Children are one of the most precious gifts God has given mankind. Many questions have come up about will there be enough food and land to sustain human life if we keep having children? Am i fearful of the world that my children will grown in? Is there such thing as over populating the world and am I contributing to the problem instead of helping find a solution? NO! Heavenly Father has commanded us to multiply and replenish the world. If he being the creator of such a world has given us such a commandment, than there must be enough resources for everyone to keep his commandment and to start families. If we think about it, every social structure is created around families. Education, religion, Family and so on. Without families we wouldn't be able to grow and progress. 

Family= The place were we develop Charity. 

Being in a family allows us to prepare for eternity by allowing us to develop relationships with other imperfect people such as ourselves. Families will test our patience, our bonds and our faith in each other. 

my mother always tells me that the things that are the hardest are things that are worth fighting for, the things of greater worth. I believe this to be true. 

We need to remember that the world will try to frighten us with ideas of over population and how that will affect the economy and what ont but one thing that we need to remember is this
            "Don't take council from your fears" president Baron


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