Saturday, May 12, 2012

United as one?

       Does Social class influence a family's capacity to meet it's needs and responsibilities?

I believe that having more money can facilitate the families availability for the resources needed. I think parent's can provide for all the material things children and families need better than low income parents. With that being said Ive been able to see both sides of the spectrum and I can see how having too much money and power can harden and even destroy families. Some parents can't provide the emotional stability their child needs because they are letting the nanny do that. I have seen how in lower income homes where both parents have to work to make ends meet, when the mother is home with the children, she makes every second count. Families who don't have much tend to treasure and value what little they do have. They stick together and face the next challenge as a family.

What is class anyway? what defines class? It seems to me that everything that is on the list tends to shift more towards the material thing. But what's really important in life? it's not the amount of stocks you own, or the number of countries you've visited, nor the number of shoes or cars you own. Usually the most important is that which comes at no monetary price.

It sadness me to see what this world is coming too and who there are still people out there who are oblivious to the world around them, who all they can think of or worry about is where to buy their next house. 

I can't help but to find comfort in the scripture found in Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.

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