Saturday, June 2, 2012

Babies, babies and more babies

For all of you expecting mothers out there, here is a small word of advice that I would like to share with you. Take it as you want but if you think about it, it is a wise thing to consider.

First: Women tend be on cloud nine when they become pregnant. All they want to do is talk about the baby and what they will name him, what color the nursery will be, what toys he will have, the dipper brand, his education, friends, extra curricular activities... should I go on? Well all that is great but the baby should not become the center of your world. It took two to tango, so please please don't leave your husband out in the ditch. We tend to migrate and associate with other expecting women or just women in general because we feel like they will be more understanding and more supportive, they will have good ideas. We might even believe that our husbands are not interested in the brand of dippers or what educational programs we will let them watch. But ladies we are WRONG to assume such things. Not all men might voice their opinion or give suggestions on nursery colors but they do care and they do want to be included. The want to feel appreciated. They still want home cooked meals whenever possible, they want to talk about something other than binkies and bottles.
      Here are some suggestions in ways to include husbands during pregnancy:
  • let them feel when they baby kicks.
  • have them come to the checkups and ultrasounds
  • go baby shopping together.
  • let him read and talk to the baby.
Another important thing is to keep the romance alive during pregnancy, don't neglect his needs of wanting someone to talk to and spend time together. GO ON DATES. They can be inexpensive dates.

I had an WOW moment in class on Thursday, I have always thought and had strong feeling in regards to not letting any family members in the delivery room except for my husband. it's a personal and private matter that should only be between husband and wife. 

Well in class the point was brought up that when other family members are in the delivery room as well. It can turn into mommy, baby, and grandma instead of mommy, baby and daddy. It is a sacred and tender moment that needs to be shared between the new mother and father. Allowing others into the equation can make the husband feel left out and can create a gap in the marriage relationship that wont ever be able to heal.

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